
Saturday, October 31, 2015

What is it like having an in-home gym? How did we decide on this ministry field?

So what does it look like to have an in-home ministry?

Honestly? It can be a little crazy.

We have classes Monday through Saturday. We currently offer 11 classes, not including the times when Brian and I complete our own training. These all happen in our gym, at our home.

Our home is open Monday nights, Thursday mornings, Friday nights, Saturday mornings, and Sunday afternoons for "non-training" ministry events. 

That means in a 7 day week, we have people in our home 16 different times. And that is if no one does a surprise visit or a last-minute-hey-I-need-to-talk visit. 

People ask me often if we ever get tired of it. Don't we ever want a break? The easy answer is yes. Yes, we get tired, sick, worn down, and even burnt out. But for us it all comes down to a verse in the Bible we were studying shortly after getting married. The verse is 1 Peter 4:10 which says, "God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another."

We looked carefully at our gifts, abilities, passions, and strengths. Then we came up with a plan. Brian is an incredible teacher and coach. He can inspire and uplift absolutely anyone. I (Morgan) am made for caring for other people, feeding them, loving on them... 

Needless to say we are a great match. When paired up our gifts and abilities perfectly mesh to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those around us. God REALLY knew what He was doing.

But, we still get tired. We still have days where we don't want to get out of bed. When don't want to coach again, we don't want to have anyone else ask us a single question. That is a normal part of an in-home ministry. It isn't easy. In fact, some days it is incredibly hard and the only thing that gets us through is the grace of God. In-home ministry is hard, but it can be done. God will give you exactly what you need to be able to do what He has called you to. 

And you have to remember, your ministry will look different than ours. You may not have a gym full of people. It may just be you and your kids. It may be the small group of ladies you have coffee with on Tuesday afternoons. It may be the guys you lift with during the week. Find out where God called you to be and get there 100%.  

Thursday, October 29, 2015

At Home Workouts

With the holiday season upon us, many people will be missing a day or longer in the gym. It can be super frustrating to try and figure out what to do on your own, so we have given you our list of little to no equipment needed workouts. The one piece of equipment that you'll need is a jump rope, and then you are good to go!

10 min
100 JR
25 squats
10 min
75 JR
20 squats
10 min
50 JR
15 squats
10 min
25 JR
10 squats
10 min
25 JR
5 squats
200 JR
50 squats
50 sit-ups
150 JR
25 squats
25 sit-ups
100 JR
20 squats
20 sit-ups
50 JR
10 squats
10 sit-ups
25 JR
5 squats
5 sit-ups
100 JR 20 BJ
90 JR 18 BJ
80 JR 16 BJ
70 JR 14 BJ
60 JR 12 BJ
75 JR 10 BJ
65 JR 8 BJ
55 JR 6 BJ
45 JR 4 BJ
35 JR 2 BJ
50 JR 5 BJ
40 JR 4 BJ
30 JR 3 BJ
20 JR 2 BJ
10 JR 1 BJ
25 JR 3 BJ
20 JR 2 BJ
15 JR 1 BJ
20 JR 1 BJ
05 JR 1 BJ
25 JR 5 STEP
20 JR 4 STEP
15 JR 3 STEP
10 JR 1 STEP
05 JR 1 STEP
EMOTM 8min
11 SU
10 squats
9 burpees
EMOTM 8min
9 SU
8 squats
7 burpees
EMOTM 8min
7 SU
6 squats
5 burpees
EMOTM 8min
5 SU
4 squats
3 burpees
EMOTM 8min
3 SU
2 squats
1 burpee
35 squat 07 SU
28 squats 14 SU
21 squats 21 SU
14 squats 28 SU
07 squats 35 SU
30 squat 06 SU
24 squats 12 SU
18 squats 18 SU
12 squats 24 SU
06 squats 30 SU
25 squat 05 SU
20 squats 10 SU
15 squats 15 SU
10 squats 20 SU
05 squats 25 SU
20 squat 04 SU
16 squats 08 SU
12 squats 12 SU
08 squats 16 SU
04 squats 20 SU
15 squat 03 SU
12 squats 06 SU
09 squats 09 SU
06 squats 12 SU
03 squats 15 SU
EMOTM 7 min
6 burpees
6 lunges e/l
EMOTM 7 min
5 burpees
5 lunges e/l
EMOTM 7 min
4 burpees
4 lunges e/l
EMOTM 7 min
2 burpees
2 lunges e/l
EMOTM 7 min
1 burpee
1 lunges e/l
9 burpees
30 sec plank
10 squats
7 burpees
30 sec plank
10 squats
5 burpees
30 sec plank
10 squats
3 burpees
30 sec plank
10 squats
5 sprawlers
10 sec plank
5 squats
5 rounds for time
30 lunges
30 squats
20 SU
5 rounds for time
25 lunges
25 squats
15 SU
5 rounds for time
20 lunges
20 squats
10 SU
5 rounds for time
15 lunges
15 squats
5 SU
5 rounds for time
10 lunges
10 squats
3 SU
8 rounds for time
9 burpees
10 SU
8 rounds for time
7 burpees
10 SU
8 rounds for time
5 burpees
10 SU
8 rounds for time
3 burpees
10 SU
8 rounds for time
1 burpee
10 SU

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Progress: The Before and After

In the fitness world you see a lot of skin, that is just reality. It is something that we work on and talk about in the gym often. As a Christian, I believe that your body is an incredible gift that God has given to you and your spouse. So what does that have to do with progress?

Would you go to church in your sports bra and tiny shorts? For most Christian women the answer to that is a solid NO! So why then, do you see Christian women posting pictures of themselves in minimal clothing or even their underwear on social media?

Think about it for a second and you'll realize you see them all the time, especially when the person is selling a "fitness supplement". They post these picture under the heading of "before and after" pictures... and we excuse it in the name of "getting healthy".

Don't get me wrong, I think that before and after pictures are fantastic. I have taken them myself many times. However, I  have a couple of issues to bring to mind before you post your before and after picture. 

First things first, is the picture appropriate to be on the Internet? What I mean here is does it honor God? What are you telling your children about modesty? That it only applies certain times and to certain people... good luck fighting that battle when your teenager wants to wear something "colorful". If you are leading small groups, or mentoring one-on-one and talk about modesty and the importance of being a woman of God do you really think that posting half naked pictures of yourself on the Internet is going to help your ministry? What kind of example are you setting for the new believer that watches your every move? You are telling them that God's rules are conditional and that you can mold them to fit each situation, and that simply isn't true.

Another question along this line that I would ask is what does your spouse think about these pictures? Is it honoring to them? Have you asked him/her if they are comfortable with other people seeing your body in a way that was meant to be shared only between you two? 

Finally, my last question would be why are you doing it? Are you truly posting these pictures to help motivate people that don't think they can do it too? Or, are you just chasing approval on social media? I understand making progress and wanting to tell people about it. But I believe that can easily turn into an idol, and overtime will become a much bigger battle to fight. This is where good friends and wise counsel can help you stay on a good path rather than getting lost down a dark road.

If you are posting before and after photos that are God honoring, spouse honoring, and you are doing it for the right reasons then I say go ahead. Post those photos, encourage one another. But if for even a half of a second you question that this is a wise choice, I urge you to talk to an older, wiser mentor and ask them what they think. It takes seconds to upload a picture that can change your ministry and the way that people see you forever. Don't give in to the pressure to be like others when we were called to stand out. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Evening Athletes - Week 2

Week Two - Day One
  1. Front rack mobility
    1. Front rack pre-test
    2. Shoulder rotator smash and floss (2 min/side), blue angel (2 min/side), banded lateral opener (2 min/side)
    3. Front rack post-test
  2. Front squat - 3 x 5 (32X2) to warm-up to previous working weight plus 5-10lbs
  3. Front squat 5 x 5 (32X2) every 3 minutes at previous plus 5-10lbs
  4. Pendlay row - 3 x 5 (X222) to warm-up to previous working weight plus 5lbs
  5. Successory movements
    1. Pendlay Row - 6 x 5 (X222) every 3 minutes
    2. B. HSPU - 6 x Last+1 (4-8)
  6. Conditioning: 5 rounds of 20 KBS and 5 burpees
  7. Static abs: 5 rounds of 30:30 walking plank

Week Two - Day Two
  1. Overhead mobility
    1. Overhead pre-test
    2. T-spine overhead extension smash - option 1 - 2 minutes
    3. Overhead lacrosse ball smash - 2 minutes each side
    4. Banded overhead distraction - 2 minutes on each arm
    5. Overhead post-test
  2. Burgener warm-up
    1. Down and up - speed through the middle
    2. Elbows high and outside - barbell close to the body
    3. Muscle snatch - turnover
    4. 2”, 4”, and 6” snatch drops - footwork
    5. Snatch lands - footwork
  3. 5 x 3 paused hang power snatch (all as work sets at last week’s weight)
  4. 5 x 1+2 behind the neck push press and overhead squat (03X3) (at last week’s weight)
  5. Conditioning: 3 rounds of 10 keg load and 20 sledgehammer swings
  6. Dynamic back: 4 rounds of 30:30 barbell rollouts

Week Two - Day Three
  1. Squat mobility
    1. Squat pre-test
    2. Superfriend quad smash (3 minutes/leg)
    3. Squat post-test
  2. Deadlift - 3 x 5 (X030) to warm-up to previous working weight plus 5-10lbs
  3. Deadlift 5 x 5 (X030) every 3 minutes at previous plus 5-10lbs
  4. Push press - 3 x 5 (X202) to warm-up to last week’s weight plus 5-10lbs
  5. Successory movements
    1. Push press - 6 x 5 (X202) every 3 minutes
    2. B. Pull-up - 6 x Last+1 (4-8) or 1-2 negatives
  6. Conditioning: Sled pull intervals
  7. Dynamic abs: 6 rounds of 30:30 windmills

Week Two - Day Four
  1. Front rack mobility
    1. Front rack pre-test
    2. Banded elbow extension (2 min/side + voodoo?), wrist tack and spin (2 min/side), and banded wrist distraction (1-2 minutes/side + voodoo?)
    3.      d)  Front rack post-test
  2. Modified Burgener warm-up
    1. Down and up - speed through the middle
    2. Elbows high and outside - barbell close to the body
    3. Muscle clean - turnover
    4. 2”, 4”, and 6” clean drops - footwork
    5. clean lands - footwork
  3. 5 x 3 paused hang power clean (work sets at previous week’s weight)
  4. 5 x 1+2 push press and push jerk (work sets at previous week’s weight)
  5. Conditioning: 60s sled push intervals
  6. Static back: 5 x 10 good mornings