
Saturday, October 31, 2015

What is it like having an in-home gym? How did we decide on this ministry field?

So what does it look like to have an in-home ministry?

Honestly? It can be a little crazy.

We have classes Monday through Saturday. We currently offer 11 classes, not including the times when Brian and I complete our own training. These all happen in our gym, at our home.

Our home is open Monday nights, Thursday mornings, Friday nights, Saturday mornings, and Sunday afternoons for "non-training" ministry events. 

That means in a 7 day week, we have people in our home 16 different times. And that is if no one does a surprise visit or a last-minute-hey-I-need-to-talk visit. 

People ask me often if we ever get tired of it. Don't we ever want a break? The easy answer is yes. Yes, we get tired, sick, worn down, and even burnt out. But for us it all comes down to a verse in the Bible we were studying shortly after getting married. The verse is 1 Peter 4:10 which says, "God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another."

We looked carefully at our gifts, abilities, passions, and strengths. Then we came up with a plan. Brian is an incredible teacher and coach. He can inspire and uplift absolutely anyone. I (Morgan) am made for caring for other people, feeding them, loving on them... 

Needless to say we are a great match. When paired up our gifts and abilities perfectly mesh to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those around us. God REALLY knew what He was doing.

But, we still get tired. We still have days where we don't want to get out of bed. When don't want to coach again, we don't want to have anyone else ask us a single question. That is a normal part of an in-home ministry. It isn't easy. In fact, some days it is incredibly hard and the only thing that gets us through is the grace of God. In-home ministry is hard, but it can be done. God will give you exactly what you need to be able to do what He has called you to. 

And you have to remember, your ministry will look different than ours. You may not have a gym full of people. It may just be you and your kids. It may be the small group of ladies you have coffee with on Tuesday afternoons. It may be the guys you lift with during the week. Find out where God called you to be and get there 100%.  

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