
Monday, July 18, 2016

Violence in the World, What Do I Tell My Kid?

A question came up recently among my friends of what do you tell your children about what is going on in the world?  In recent months there have been horrific attacks both at home and abroad. Abroad the attacks have been perpetrated by Isis and are clearly evil. Here in the United States however, the lines have been blurred, especially in the Christian community

When the LGBT night club in Orlando was attacked there were Christians mourning with them and so called "Christians" saying it was deserved. As a conservative Christian I want my boys to know that it is NEVER acceptable to hurt another person because they believe something different than you do. The Christians that were mourning with the LGBT community were right. God cares about even the sparrows (Matthew 6:26) Of course he cares for those that were killed in that senseless attack. The "Christians" saying that they deserved to die were incredibly wrong, and shouldn't call themselves Christians. Christ says to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31) he doesn't say, "love your neighbor if you agree with their lifestyle choices". 

Most recently it has been the racial/police issue. This topic is an incredibly delicate one. Tempers on both sides of the line are flared and things are quickly escalating. I will confess, I am a white female that grew up in the VERY conservative south, so I cannot pretend to understand the plight of the black male. That does not mean that I think they deserve to die unjustly. My heart breaks for the families of the men that have been killed unnecessarily. Were they killed unjustly? I don't know. That is for a jury to decide after hearing all of the evidence. But just as I know that not all black men are criminals, I also know that not all cops are bad. In fact, 99% of cops are good men (and women) out to protect us from the bad guys, just as 99% of black men are good members of society that have a great deal to bring to the table.  

So what will I tell my boys? 

Murder is a sin, and it is wrong, no matter what. (Exodus 20:13) God has called us to be set apart. So rather than giving in to all of the race baiting, on either side, we should be standing up and saying enough. This division among Christians makes us weaker and less effective in our ministries. 

Enough hatred. 

Enough evil.

Our mission here on Earth is to bring Him glory and make Him known to all the world (Mark 16:15). It is hard to do that if we are killing each other off because we don't look the same. 
Jesus did not die on the cross for our skin color, sexual orientation, or political ideology. Jesus died on the cross to absolve us of our sin, so that we can be with God the Father in eternity. We are all children of God, skin color doesn't matter.   

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