
Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Top 5 Reasons MOMS Should Strength Train

I get a lot of questions about why I coach housewives and moms. When you think "gym" or "lifter" most people don't also think "mom". But I do! Dads aren't the only ones that need to work out and stay in shape. Keeping up with kids and a family is hard work.So here are my top 5 reasons that moms should strength train.

1.) The Deadlift
Have you ever seen a mom in the supermarket desperately trying to pickup/carry/drag her screaming 5 year old out of the store? This is where that 135 pound deadlift comes in really handy.

2.) The Farmer Carry
While we are on the subject of supermarkets, carrying in all the food required to feed your not-so-small children and active husband is a lot of work! There is something very empowering about being able to farmer carry all of your groceries in one trip. It is even more impressive if you can do it weighted, say while wearing your youngest child. Not to mention, farmer carries also teach you to stabilize your torso so you don't get the much dreaded "mom hip".

3.) The Press/Push PressI don't know about y'all, but my almost 30 pound 7 month old LOVES being tossed in the air. They say that odd objects feel 1.5 times heavier than a standard object. And if I'm throwing my kid in the air I need to be able to do it AMRAP style for as long as his attention holds. That could be 2 minutes, that could be 20 mins. Good thing I practice push press weekly.

4.) The Sled DragSo this one isn't as funny as the others but it is equally important. Let's say there is a house fire and your husband is unconscious, unable to be woken up. Can you roll him on to a sheet and get him out of the house? If you can, great. Now can you do it while holding both of your kids? That, my friend, is why I drag sleds.

5.) The Sled PushImagine for a moment that you are driving home from church with your kids listening to the Frozen soundtrack for the bazillionth time. Suddenly your car dies in the middle of the road. Can you push your family safely to the side of the road? When I ask this a lot of people say, "but someone will surely stop and help!" Maybe they will. But my question is, what if they don't? Can YOU get your family to safety?

So those are my top 5 reasons that moms should strength train. 
What about you? 
Can you think of one I missed? 
Comment with your suggestions! 

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