
Monday, August 3, 2015

Philippians 4:13 and Athletic Events

We own a garage gym that is a Christian environment. People ask me often if I have Philippians 4:13 up in our gym?" And the answer is no. Don't get me wrong it is a fine verse but I don't believe that this particular verse should be used in reference to sporting events or training. 

So what does this verse say? 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

It is a great verse, but it shouldn't be used in an athletic setting, because it means SO much more than that. Philippians 4:13 comes (obviously) from the book of Philippians. Paul wrote this book FROM PRISON. And this isn't some cushion-y prison like here in the United States today. No we are talking dingy, dangerous, depressing, Roman prisons. Think about that for a second... 

This isn't a note saying "hey guys, work hard because you can do it!" No, this is a serious message. 

Go back and read the whole book of Philippians again, don't worry, I will wait. 

Let me give you a brief overview: 

Paul is writing FROM A JAIL CELL telling Christians to stand firm, to take the disastrous issues that come and fight through them to glorify His kingdom. This is telling you that when you are starving,  when you are in prison, when you are broken for the kingdom of God, keep going. Only through Christ can you do these things. 

Philippians 4:13 is not a way to pump yourself up for a big lift or motivate you through a tough WOD. Philippians 4:13 is there to remind you to fight the good fight for the kingdom of God. 

So, you won't be seeing Philippians 4:13 in the gym or on a Farr Fitness shirt to motivate you, but we would love the chance to talk to you about using this verse to strengthen your personal walk with Christ and your ministry.

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